Privacy Policy
Last updated: August 12, 2020
This Privacy Policy describes Ourpolicies and procedures on thecollection, use and disclosure ofYour information when You use the Website and tells You about Yourprivacy rights and how the lawprotects You.
We use Your Personal data to provide and improve this Website.By using the Website, You agree tothe collection and use ofinformation in accordance withthis Privacy Policy.
Interpretationand Definitions
The words of which the initialletter is capitalized have meaningsdefined under the followingconditions.
The following definitions shall havethe same meaning regardless ofwhether they appear in singular orin plural.
For the purposes of this PrivacyPolicy:
You means the individualaccessing or using the Website,or the company, or other legalentity on behalf of which suchindividual is accessing or usingthe Website, as applicable.
Company (referred to as either”the Company”, “We”, “Us” or”Our” in this Agreement) refersto BSM Pump Corporation, 180 Frenchtown Road; North Kingstown, RI 02852.
Affiliate means an entity thatcontrols, is controlled by or isunder common control with aparty, where “control” meansownership of 50% or more of theshares, equity interest or othersecurities entitled to vote forelection of directors or othermanaging authority.
Account means a uniqueaccount created for You toaccess our Website or parts of our Website.
Website refers to BSM Pump Corporation’s Corporate Site, accessible from
Country refers to: UnitedStates
Service Provider means anynatural or legal person whoprocesses the data on behalf ofthe Company. It refers to thirdpartycompanies or individualsemployed by the Company tofacilitate the Website, to providethe Website on behalf of theCompany, to perform servicesrelated to the Website or to assistthe Company in analyzing howthe Website is used.
Personal Data is anyinformation that relates to anidentified or identifiableindividual.
Cookies are small files that areplaced on Your computer, mobiledevice or any other device by awebsite, containing the details ofYour browsing history on thatwebsite among its many uses.
Device means any device thatcan access the Website such as acomputer, a cellphone or adigital tablet.
Usage Data refers to datacollected automatically, eithergenerated by the use of the Website or from the Website infrastructure itself (for example,the duration of a page visit).
Collecting andUsing YourPersonal Data
Types of DataCollected
Personal Data
While using our Website, We mayask You to provide Us with certainpersonally identifiable informationthat can be used to contact or identify You. Personally identifiable information mayinclude, but is not limited to:Email addressFirst name and last name
Usage Data
Usage Data is collectedautomatically when using the Website.Usage Data may includeinformation such as Your Device’sInternet Protocol address (e.g. IPaddress), browser type, browserversion, the pages of our Website that You visit, the time and date ofYour visit, the time spent on thosepages, unique device identifiersand other diagnostic data.
When You access the Website by orthrough a mobile device, We maycollect certain informationautomatically, including, but notlimited to, the type of mobiledevice You use, Your mobiledevice unique ID, the IP address ofYour mobile device, Your mobileoperating system, the type ofmobile Internet browser You use,unique device identifiers and otherdiagnostic data.
We may also collect informationthat Your browser sends wheneverYou visit our Website or when Youaccess the Website by or through amobile device.
Tracking Technologiesand Cookies
We use Cookies and similartracking technologies to track theactivity on our Website and storecertain information. Trackingtechnologies used are beacons,tags, and scripts to collect andtrack information and to improveand analyze our Website.
You can instruct Your browser torefuse all Cookies or to indicatewhen a Cookie is being sent.However, if You do not acceptCookies, You may not be able touse some parts of our Website.
Cookies can be “Persistent” or”Session” Cookies. PersistentCookies remain on your personalcomputer or mobile device whenYou go offline, while SessionCookies are deleted as soon asYou close your web browser.
We use both session andpersistent Cookies for thepurposes set out below:
Necessary / Essential Cookies
Type: Session Cookies
Administered by: Us
Purpose: These Cookies areessential to provide You withservices available through theWebsite and to enable You to usesome of its features. They help toauthenticate users and preventfraudulent use of user accounts.Without these Cookies, theservices that You have asked forcannot be provided, and We onlyuse these Cookies to provide Youwith those services.
Cookies Policy / NoticeAcceptance Cookies
Type: Persistent Cookies
Administered by: Us
Purpose: These Cookies identifyif users have accepted the use ofcookies on the Website.
Functionality Cookies
Type: Persistent Cookies
Administered by: Us
Purpose: These Cookies allow usto remember choices You makewhen You use the Website, suchas remembering your logindetails or language preference.The purpose of these Cookies isto provide You with a morepersonal experience and to avoidYou having to re-enter yourpreferences every time You usethe Website.
Tracking and PerformanceCookies
Type: Persistent Cookies
Administered by: Third-Parties
Purpose: These Cookies are usedto track information about trafficto the Website and how usersuse the Website. The informationgathered via these Cookies maydirectly or indirectly identify youas an individual visitor. This isbecause the informationcollected is typically linked to apseudonymous identifierassociated with the device youuse to access the Website. Wemay also use these Cookies totest new advertisements, pages,features or new functionality ofthe Website to see how our usersreact to them.
Use of YourPersonal Data
The Company may use PersonalData for the following purposes: To provide and maintain our Website, including to monitor the usage of our Website.
To manage Your Account (if applicable): tomanage Your registration as auser of the Website. The PersonalData You provide can give Youaccess to different functionalitiesof the Website that are availableto You as a registered user.
For the performance of acontract: the development,compliance and undertaking ofthe purchase contract for theproducts, items or services Youhave purchased or of any othercontract with Us through the Website.
To contact You: To contact Youby email, telephone calls, SMS,or other equivalent forms ofelectronic communication, suchas a mobile application’s pushnotifications regarding updatesor informative communicationsrelated to the functionalities,products or contracted services,including the security updates,when necessary or reasonablefor their implementation.
To provide You with news,special offers and generalinformation about other goods,services and events which weoffer that are similar to thosethat you have already purchasedor enquired about unless Youhave opted not to receive suchinformation.
To manage Your requests: Toattend and manage Yourrequests to Us.We may share your personalinformation in the followingsituations:
With Service Providers: Wemay share Your personalinformation with ServiceProviders to monitor and analyzethe use of our Website, to contactYou.
For Business transfers: Wemay share or transfer Yourpersonal information inconnection with, or duringnegotiations of, any merger, saleof Company assets, financing, oracquisition of all or a portion ofour business to anothercompany.
With Affiliates: We may shareYour information with Ouraffiliates, in which case we willrequire those affiliates to honorthis Privacy Policy. Affiliatesinclude Our parent company andany other subsidiaries, jointventure partners or othercompanies that We control orthat are under common controlwith Us.
With Business partners: Wemay share Your information withOur business partners to offerYou certain products, services orpromotions.
With other users: when Youshare personal information orotherwise interact in the publicareas with other users, suchinformation may be viewed by allusers and may be publiclydistributed outside. If Youinteract with other users orregister through a Third-PartySocial Media Service, Yourcontacts on the Third-PartySocial Media Service may seeYour name, profile, pictures anddescription of Your activity.Similarly, other users will be ableto view descriptions of Youractivity, communicate with Youand view Your profile.
Retention of YourPersonal Data
The Company will retain YourPersonal Data only for as long as isnecessary for the purposes set outin this Privacy Policy. We willretain and use Your Personal Datato the extent necessary to complywith our legal obligations (forexample, if we are required toretain your data to comply withapplicable laws), resolve disputes,and enforce our legal agreementsand policies.The Company will also retainUsage Data for internal analysispurposes. Usage Data is generallyretained for a shorter period oftime, except when this data isused to strengthen the security orto improve the functionality of OurService, or We are legallyobligated to retain this data forlonger time periods.
Transfer of YourPersonal Data
Your information, includingPersonal Data, is processed at the Company’s operating offices and in any other places where theparties involved in the processingare located. It means that thisinformation may be transferred to— and maintained on —computers located outside of Yourstate, province, country or othergovernmental jurisdiction wherethe data protection laws maydiffer than those from Yourjurisdiction.
Your consent to this Privacy Policyfollowed by Your submission ofsuch information represents Youragreement to that transfer.The Company will take all stepsreasonably necessary to ensurethat Your data is treated securelyand in accordance with thisPrivacy Policy and no transfer ofYour Personal Data will take placeto an organization or a countryunless there are adequate controlsin place including the security ofYour data and other personalinformation.
Disclosure of YourPersonal Data
Business Transactions
If the Company is involved in amerger, acquisition or asset sale,Your Personal Data may betransferred. We will provide noticebefore Your Personal Data istransferred and becomes subjectto a different Privacy Policy.
Law enforcement
Under certain circumstances, theCompany may be required todisclose Your Personal Data ifrequired to do so by law or inresponse to valid requests bypublic authorities (e.g. a court or agovernment agency).
Other legal requirements
The Company may disclose YourPersonal Data in the good faithbelief that such action isnecessary to:Comply with a legal obligationProtect and defend the rights orproperty of the CompanyPrevent or investigate possiblewrongdoing in connection withthe ServiceProtect the personal safety ofUsers of the Service or the publicProtect against legal liability.
Security of YourPersonal Data
The security of Your Personal Datais important to Us, but rememberthat no method of transmissionover the Internet, or method ofelectronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolutesecurity.
DetailedInformation onthe Processingof YourPersonal Data
Service Providers have access toYour Personal Data only toperform their tasks on Our behalfand are obligated not to discloseor use it for any other purpose.
We may use third-party Serviceproviders to monitor and analyzethe use of our Service.Google Analytics Google Analytics is a webanalytics service offered byGoogle that tracks and reportswebsite traffic. Google uses thedata collected to track andmonitor the use of our Service.This data is shared with otherGoogle services. Google may usethe collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertisingnetwork.You can opt-out of having madeyour activity on the Serviceavailable to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analyticsopt-out browser add-on. The add-onprevents the Google AnalyticsJavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js anddc.js) from sharing informationwith Google Analytics aboutvisits activity.For more information on theprivacy practices of Google,please visit the Google Privacy &Terms web page:
Email Marketing
We may use Your Personal Data tocontact You with newsletters,marketing or promotionalmaterials and other informationthat may be of interest to You. Youmay opt-out of receiving any, orall, of these communications fromUs by following the unsubscribelink or instructions provided in anyemail We send or by contactingUs.We may use Email MarketingService Providers to manage andsend emails to You.
Constant Contact Constant Contact is an emailmarketing sending serviceprovided by Constant Contact,Inc.For more information on theprivacy practices of ConstantContact, please visit their Privacypolicy:
Our Service does not addressanyone under the age of 13. Wedo not knowingly collectpersonally identifiable informationfrom anyone under the age of 13.If You are a parent or guardian andYou are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data,please contact Us. If We becomeaware that We have collectedPersonal Data from anyone underthe age of 13 without verificationof parental consent, We take stepsto remove that information fromOur servers.If We need to rely on consent as alegal basis for processing Yourinformation and Your countryrequires consent from a parent,We may require Your parent’sconsent before We collect and usethat information.
Your California Privacy Rights (California’s Shine the Lightlaw)
Under California Civil Code Section1798 (California’s Shine the Lightlaw), California residents with anestablished business relationshipwith us can request informationonce a year about sharing theirPersonal Data with third parties for the third parties’ direct marketingpurposes.If you’d like to request moreinformation under the CaliforniaShine the Light law, and if you area California resident, You cancontact Us using the contactinformation provided below.
CaliforniaPrivacy Rightsfor Minor Users(CaliforniaBusiness andProfessionsCode Section22581)
California Business andProfessions Code section 22581allow California residents underthe age of 18 who are registeredusers of online sites, services orapplications to request and obtainremoval of content or informationthey have publicly posted.To request removal of such data,and if you are a Californiaresident, You can contact Us usingthe contact information providedbelow, and include the emailaddress associated with Youraccount.Be aware that Your request doesnot guarantee complete orcomprehensive removal of contentor information posted online andthat the law may not permit orrequire removal in certaincircumstances.
Links to Other Websites
Our Website may contain links toother websites that are notoperated by Us. If You click on athird party link, You will bedirected to that third party’s site.We strongly advise You to reviewthe Privacy Policy of every site Youvisit.We have no control over andassume no responsibility for thecontent, privacy policies orpractices of any third party sites orservices.
Changes to thisPrivacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policyfrom time to time. We will notifyYou of any changes by posting thenew Privacy Policy on this page.We will let You know via emailand/or a prominent notice on Our Website, prior to the changebecoming effective and update the”Last updated” date at the top ofthis Privacy Policy.You are advised to review thisPrivacy Policy periodically for anychanges. Changes to this PrivacyPolicy are effective when they areposted on this page.
Contact Us
If you have any questions aboutthis Privacy Policy, You cancontact us:By